Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for Women in Miami Florida

What You Need to Know About Menopause & Perimenopause

Miami Menopause SpecialistsHormonal balance in females is essential for maintaining health and wellness, and organs such as the ovaries, parts of the kidney, and the adrenal glands influence the way that hormones are produced in the human body. As women begin to age, the ovaries and the adrenal glands begin to produce fewer hormones. The body was designed for the adrenal glands to take over the function of producing hormones after menopause; however, in order for the adrenal glands to achieve this, a woman would have had to live virtually stress free for most of her life, regularly exercised, and eaten an incredibly healthy diet. Because this scenario is rarely the case, most women experience the symptoms of hormonal decline with aging.

In women that have not entered into perimenopause or menopause, the adrenal glands can still play a large role in hormone imbalances. This is because the kidneys and adrenal glands have an intricate relationship with female hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone. When a woman encounters stress for an extended period of time, the adrenal glands are forced to secrete cortisol. Because cortisol shares the same building blocks as progesterone and estrogen, the body chooses to use the materials to make cortisol instead of sex hormones in order to regulate the effects of stress on the body. Cortisol is a steroidal hormone that reduces the inflammation caused from stress, and without it, a person could literally die of the physical responses caused from stress. When it is produced in excess, women of all ages can experience the effects of hormonal imbalances. Some of the effects of female hormone imbalances can include weight gain, water retention, fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, PMS, and mood swings.

Irregular menstrual periods
Perimenopause, which occurs anywhere from a few years to up to 15 years before you stop menstruating, can wreak havoc with your regular menstrual cycle. You may go only 21 days between periods one month and skip your cycle all together the next month. You may also experience extremely heavy bleeding for weeks at a time. None of this is pleasant, which is why balancing the hormones is so essential to getting through perimenopause comfortably. Hormone balance can also intensify regular premenstrual symptoms, such as bloating, headaches, irritability, cramps, and breast tenderness.
Low libido
Low Libido can occur on mental, emotional, and physical levels. One of the first signs that libido is decreasing is a lack of desire or energy for arousal, and stress can play a part in decreasing libido. When a woman is stressed, the body releases cortisol, which directs blood away from the sexual organs and back to the heart. When women are going through age related hormonal decline, a lack of estrogen and progesterone can cause vaginal dryness or atrophy of the vaginal wall. Other factors such as lack of sleep, excessive caffeine, drugs, or poor emotions can cause hormonal imbalances that can drag down libido.
Fatigue can be one of the most difficult symptoms to deal with when it comes to hormonal imbalances, and it can manifest as a mental lack of motivation, physical exhaust, or a lack of interest in activity of any kind. This kind of fatigue can greatly impact the quality of life and lead to depression. Estrogen and progesterone imbalances can interfere with brain chemistry to cause decreased serotonin, which elevates feelings of contentment, and lower serotonin levels can also cause fatigue.
Weight gain
Weight Gain can occur due to imbalances with estrogen and progesterone, and it most often tends to collect around the middle. This excess body fat can cause estrogen dominance, which can increase the risk for breast cancer and cause irregular periods and ovulation, low libido, and high blood pressure. Hormonal imbalances can also cause cravings for sugar, which can increase inflammation in the body, wear down cells and promote premature aging.
Hot flashes
Hot Flashes and are usually caused by estrogen deficiencies and imbalances. Hot flashes can cause women to suddenly feel flushed on their face and cause spontaneous sweating. At times, hot flashes are followed by cold chills. Estrogen plays a large role in the vasomotor response of the blood vessels, and when the vessels are operating efficiently, temperature control can be more balanced. When estrogen is restored to a healthy level, night sweats and hot flashes can be diminished.
Night sweats
Night sweats are usually more intense than hot flashes and women can experience symptoms ranging from severe to mild, for varying duration. Depending on the intensity of night sweats, they can be accompanied by chills, nausea, headaches or an irregular heartbeat.
Irritability and mood swings
Mood swings can be caused from imbalances in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. This is because these hormones affect brain chemistry in that they allow for healthy amounts of neurotransmitters to relay messages of calmness in the brain. For women that are in their reproductive years, increased stress and cortisol can interfere with brain chemistry and female hormone balance. In women going through menopause, a lack of estrogen and progesterone can disrupt the nervous system and cause prolonged feelings of anxiety, anger, and depression.
Loss of libido
The drop in Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone levels are the hormones responsible for lower energy and decreased sex drive. Arousal and orgasm are still possible, yet the hormonal imbalance that occurs during this shift into menopause can cause the vaginal wall to become dry and irritated further exacerbating the lack of desire to be sexual. All of which can have a psychological impact as well.
Vaginal dryness
During menopause the levels of estrogen decrease which causes thinning of the vaginal walls. This results in less lubrication and elasticity, which can increase irritation, itching and pain resulting in a decreased desire to engage in intercourse.
Irregular heartbeat
Estrogen levels fluctuate and correlate with the cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as the fluctuation of blood pressure affecting the vasodilatation of the arteries and affecting the autonomous nervous system that regulates the heartbeat. This can result in fatigue, anxiety, and more.
Urinary urgency / incontinence
This is the inability to keep urine in the bladder during sneezing, laughing or coughing. Estrogen is the hormone that helps with the strength of the bladder muscles. As estrogen decreases during menopause so does bladder control. Incontinence includes feelings of constant need to urinate due to an overactive or oversensitive bladder. Another form of incontinence is a bladder that doesn’t empty completely, causing dribbling.
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep for a long enough time to feel rested and rejuvenated. Night sweats or other accompanied symptoms of menopause such as bizarre dreams or incontinence can contribute to insomnia.
Often this symptom is directly related to feeling dizzy and light heated. Some experience vertigo which is a constant spinning sensation, or light headed feeling when one stands up too fast.
Anxiety can refer to a state of being worried, fearful, on edge and uneasy or a sense of urgency often out of proportion to the event that initiates the response. Estrogen levels affect the brain chemistry directly related to mood and emotions.
Water Retention
Water Retention is another symptoms that can be caused due to imbalances with estrogen and progesterone, and it can cause women to feel fatigued, bloated, and like none of their clothes fit the right way. Even when women lose fat, they may find that they still feel bloated and like they are retaining water. Restoring the balance between estrogen and progesterone can help to reduce bloating and water retention.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Premenstrual Syndrome can vary in intensity for each woman, and hormonal imbalances can negatively impact the severity of PMS. Women that experience PMS usually endure symptoms that include water retention, headaches, fatigue, acne, swollen breasts, cramping, food cravings, and mood swings. Excess amounts of estrogen can worsen many of these symptoms, and it may cause more bloating, heavier periods, and more painful periods. When women balance progesterone levels with estrogen and reduce stress levels, they can reduce many of the symptoms of PMS.

While many factors can affect female hormone production, aging and stress seem to be two of the biggest factors in female hormone decline. Women in Miami FL going through perimenopause or menopause can experience drops in estrogen and progesterone that cause women to lose their quality of life. For women going through their reproductive years, stress can cause estrogen and progesterone to be in a losing competition with cortisol for hormonal building blocks.

Other factors such as lack of exercise, environmental factors, poor sleep, or an unhealthy diet can also cause women to experience the symptoms of hormonal decline. However, despite the reason for hormone decline, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can rescue women from the doldrums of hormonal deficiencies. Miami FL Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Programs can supplement deficiencies or imbalances in a natural and non-invasive way in order to restore the quality of life and optimal levels of health for women of all ages.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy can transform the way you look and feel. Contact a Miami Florida Bioidentical Hormone Doctor today and get back to being you.

Find Local Miami Bioidentical Hormone Doctors Near You

The BEST Program, Inc.

The BEST Program, Inc.

1451 NE 4th Ave.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304

Vida Hormone Therapy & Integrative Health

Vida Hormone Therapy & Integrative Health

7887 N. Kendall Dr., Suite 230
Miami, Florida 33156